Parse Bible and Quran versions with ScriptureKit for PHP

Today I am happy to announce I am open-sourcing a key component of my Devotionalium project:

ScriptureKit is a PHP framework for working with Tanakh, Bible, and Quran XML files from the Zefania Project and

There are lots of free and open source Tanakh, Bible and Quran editions available on the Internet. However, working with and parsing the source files can be difficult and time-consuming. The goal of ScriptureKit is to make using open source Tanakh, Bible and Quran editions as easy as possible on the web.

You can use ScriptureKit to:

  • load the text of a chapter
  • load the text of a verse
  • load the text of a set of verses
  • render a formatted reference string for a chapter, verse set, or verse
  • internationalise book and chapter names used
  • load version details for a scripture file (title, author, etc).

When loading verse text, there are the following options available:

  • render as HTML or plain text
  • highlight individual verses
  • automatically add paragraph-breaks at the end of sentences
  • include annotations (ZefaniaXML only)

ScriptureKit is compatible with the following scripture files:

  • ZefaniaXML files (.xml)
  • XML Format (One File-Whole Quran) exported from (.xml)

You can find the complete source code and detailed usage examples for ScriptureKit on GitHub.