Flyleaf Update 2.2 Free Download for iPhone, iPad and Mac While preparing the just-released 2.2.2 update for Flyleaf, my read-later app for iOS and macOS, I was reminded that I didn’t write anything here about any of the 2.2 patches. So let’s do that now. Flyleaf 2.2.0 The main reason I pushed out…
My Neighbor Totoro This painting is a study of that famous scene from the fantastic Studio Ghibli film “My Neighbor Totoro”. Since the original is itself a kind of painting, not much could go wrong here.
Nordseestrand #1 I managed to paint another painting in between Flyleaf releases! This one is based on a photo from a recent vacation to the dutch north see. Callantsoog, to be exact. The drawing is a little wonky, but the values and colors are quite successful, I think. And I’m very happy…