MacGeneration: Flyleaf : une nouvelle app de lecture différée affichant les articles en colonnes

I was very happy to learn hat the first media appearance of my new app Flyleaf was in the french publication MacGeneration, in a short review by Félix Cattafesta.

I appreciate that it’s an honest review which also points out some issues. But at the same time they also understood what makes Flyleaf special:

This first version of Flyleaf is nice, but a little buggy on macOS: I had problems displaying images forcing me to resize my window, or even a few crashes. The interface has not yet been translated into French. This is only V1, and we can imagine that things will improve later. The app seemed more stable to me on iOS, and is very pleasant to use on a touch screen.

While there’s still plenty of room for improvement, Flyleaf is an app to try if you’re looking to replace Pocket. It has the advantage of being native and supporting shortcuts.

(My french knowledge is very rudimentary, so the above excerpt was machine-translated.)